Friday 16 September 2016


Overview and Inspiration
Analysis is the spirit of being an engineer; it is what differentiates an engineer from a technician.  
Engineering analysis helps us make decisions and guide the design process. A development without analysis is like a team playing without a coach, a ship without a captain, or a class without a teacher.
So what is engineering analysis, exactly?
 Basically, it is the breaking down of problem, into its fundamental parts to understand their relationships to each other and to outside elements.
For example, let's say you are a part of a team of engineers working to reduce the number of accidents in a bridge that occur during rush-hour traffic. You might start by generating a set of alternative design to this issue: Let's say your team determines the best alternative is the expansion of roads and highways. Now another design analysis is needed: 
·        How many lanes do we need?
·        How much money will it cost to maintain these new roads?
·        Will many trees need to be cut down?
·        If so, will this displace birds and other wildlife?
Do you see how the engineering analysis includes much more than the object or system being designed? Even in the case of building a new road, engineers must analyze the influences of the new road on the city budget and the surrounding environment and impacted wildlife.
Our history has many examples of engineering projects:
 One "success story" in engineering is the development of modern aircraft. Their designs were based more on bird flight than on fundamental engineering concepts. The designers of these flying machines often tested them by jumping off great heights, better approach to engineering analysis for air-planes and see how the models respond to elements and forces such as weather patterns and wind shear.
Now, can anyone think of an engineering "failure?" It's hard to call an unsuccessful engineering project entirely a "failure" because we usually learn the most from failed attempts. In any case, let's take a look at some "famous failures" in engineering and see how the role of analysis played a part in the project.
Best Regards,

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