Wednesday 21 September 2016



In ancient India, architects used to work as interior designers. This can be seen from the references of Vishwakarma the architect - one of the gods in Indian tradition. Additionally, the statues showing ancient texts and events are seen in palaces built in 17th century India.

In the past, interiors were put together instinctively as a part of the process of building. The profession of interior design has been a consequence of the development of society and the complex architecture that has resulted from the development of industry. The search of effective use of space, user comfort and design has subsidised to the progress of the modern interior design profession. The profession of interior design is detached and different from the role of Interior Decorator, where the profession of interior design is still unregulated.

There are various paths that one can take to become a professional interior designer. All of these paths involve some form of training. Working with a successful professional designer is an informal method of training and has previously been the most common method of education. Training through an institution such as a college, design school or university is a more formal route to professional practice. However, this path alone cannot lead to licensing as a professional interior designer.

The homes make the most of their compact layouts – each one is smaller than 50 square meters in size, packs an plenty of unique personality. Whether you're dreaming of a small home, or just want to make what you already have. In fact, many adventurous personalities who could otherwise afford large residences are choosing for a more efficient lifestyle by choosing comfortable apartments it goes beyond practicality – the small home movement is part simplicity, part ecology, and part honest interest. Use these ideas next time you need to smart your small space.

The designer’s task is to help people visualize, fashion & continue good-looking homes. Designer to convey to you inspiring visuals of cool homes, detailed spaces, and new design leanings. Follow it for a everyday measure of excellent homes, intelligent style & beautiful design.

The designer’s task is to help people visualize, fashion & continue good-looking homes. Designer to convey to you inspiring visuals of cool homes, detailed spaces, and new design leanings. Follow it for a everyday measure of excellent homes, intelligent style & beautiful design.

1.      There Is a Difference between Decorators and Designers:
What’s the difference between interior decorators and interior designers? In one word: education.
Exactly anyone can become an interior decorator. Someone who loves playing with colours, materials and fabrics can become a decorator by simply printing business cards and promoting themselves to clients. On the other hand, an interior designer must have an accredited education; an associate or bachelor’s degree is a requisite for working in the interior design field.

2.      You Must Have a Knack for Design
It may look understandable, but in order to become an interior designer, you need to have an essential ability for colour, 3-D preparations, planning and materials. If someone enjoy decorating home and get loads of respects on your design? That doesn’t necessarily mean you should be an interior designer, but it’s definitely a good symbol.
3.      Interior Design Isn’t All Textile and Fun
While fabrics, furniture and colour may play a large role in interior design, there are sufficiently of other responsibilities that are required of interior designers. Interior designers need to be educated in the history of design, the structural reliability of buildings, structure codes, ergonomics, three-dimensional concepts, principles, psychology, computer-aided drawing (CAD) and much more.

4.      Virtual Designers Have an Opportunity
When people hire an interior designer, they may not realize that they can actually hire from anywhere in the world. Yes, designers can telecommute such as design software, and discovering a new virtual design.
5.      Laws and Codes
There are required knowledge for interior designers. Learning about plumbing codes, electricity and load-bearing walls may not excite you, but it is required. Staying up-to-date of such things gives interior designers an advantage and arcade capability.

To me, it really seems visible today that ethics is not something exterior to the economy, which, as technical matter, could function on its own; rather, ethics is an interior principle of the economy itself, which cannot function if it does not take account of the human values of solidarity and reciprocal responsibility. "

-vinayagamoorthy. M

Friday 16 September 2016


Secondary analysis for Pile foundation by P-Δ method
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 3 (2016) pp 1579-1582© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com1579
Secondary analysis for Pile foundation by P-Δ
P-Delta is a non-linear effect that occurs in every structure where elements are subject to axial load. P-Delta is actually only one of many second-order effects. It is a genuine “effect” that is associated with the magnitude of the applied axial load (P) and a displacement (delta).
There are two P-Delta effects:
  • P-"Big" delta (P-∆) - a structure effect
  • P-"small" delta (P-d) - a member effect
Abstract:This research investigates the influence of gravity loads and large displacements theory, generally known as second order P-delta effects, on the stability of reinforced concrete (RCC)bridge piers. Second order analysis combines two effects to reach a solution of 1st order analysis and large displacement analysis. The large deformation analysis takes full account of the effect due to the deformed shape of the structure and its member. When structures become more slender and less resistant to deformation, consideration of 2nd order effects is essential for tall members. Most of the methods are available for analysing slender exposed piles subjected to axial thrust,sway and lateral forces, are at best in terms of theoretical methods only. So in this paper, an attempt is made to study the secondary analysis of the pile foundation. The results 2nd order effect by manual calculation are compared with modelling (Midas Civil software) results.Keywords: Column, P-delta analysis, Pile foundation.


In this case, the structural systems between backward analysis and forward analysis are different and therefore, key segment closure is different between the two analyses. This leads to the fact that the final member forces at the final stage from the forward analysis are different from the member forces from the initial equilibrium state analysis (at the final system (completed system)). In the initial equilibrium state analysis for the final system (completed system), after the self-weight of the structure, cable forces and superimposed dead loads are applied to the key segment, the member forces at the key segment are calculated. However, in the forward analysis, the girder is deflected by its self-weight and cable pretension at the stage immediately before the key segment closure. When the key segment is closed, it is not affected by the self-weight of other structural elements except for the key segment itself and cable pretension. These differences from different structural systems lead to the differences in analysis results. This problem is caused by not understanding the cable theory or by no existence of software taking care of this problem except for the software dealing with large displacement. But the above mentioned is unreasonable according to the following reasons:
Within elastic range, forward analysis result is the same as the backward analysis result. (e.g., not considering time-dependent effects).
If the key segment closure force is calculated, both forward and backward analyses will have the same result as that from initial equilibrium state analysis.

According to the cable theory, unstressed length of cable is calculated by the initial equilibrium state analysis, and in backward analysis the cable length changes as the structural system changes and accordingly cable force changes with cable length. Therefore, if the planned construction stages are applicable to the design, it is also possible to achieve the aforementioned with forward analysis. First, unstressed cable length is calculated based on the cable force from the final system (completed system) and cable forces for each stage can calculated by considering the cable length changes with construction stages. However, until now this theory has been feasible only with large displacement analysis. It is because when the cable is installed by the cantilever method the cable length should be a real displacement. In a large displacement analysis, a newly created member can be installed tangentially to the existing member. Tangent displacement is referred to as a virtual displacement. But in a small displacement analysis, it is difficult to calculate the cable force considering the virtual displacement. However, in midas Civil software, even in a small displacement analysis, a virtual displacement can be considered. Therefore, if the unstressed length is computed and thereafter the forward analysis is carried out, it is possible to perform construction stage analysis with forward analysis alone. 'Lack-of-Fit Force' function converts the relationship between the unstressed length and the cable length into pretension loads so as to calculate the cable forces for each construction stage. As long as 'Lack-of-Fit Force' function is used, it is possible to analyze staged construction with forward analysis alone without backward analysis. 'Lack-of-Fit Force'(LFF) signifies 'Additional Pretension', which is introduced during the cable installation where the change of structural behavior and structural system are considered, or 'Pre-applied Force', which is pre-applied to the key segment so that the key segment can be located at the same position as the completed system when the key segment is to be closed. During the forward analysis, if the program calculates the 'Lack-of-Fit Forces' for the cable and key segment elements and these 'Lack-of-Fit Forces' are reflected in the installation of cable and key segment, the final stage result from the forward analysis will coincide with the result from the initial equilibrium state analysis.


Any structure is designed keeping in mind its intended use, the materials available, cost and aesthetic considerations. The design of any project can be bifurcated into two parts:
i. The force determination at the member and the joints that can able to handle the load, force distribution to the adjutant member, etc.
ii. The selection of materials and designing the member in such a way that the stresses and deformations developed stay within permissible limits. 
Structural analysis is the fundamental possessions assessing the structural design under the specified loads, support conditions. It analyze the structural integrity of the structure under various circumstances such as applied vertical load , secondaty loads caused by primary loads, lateral loads, and seismic loads etc, to identify the feeble condition for select the member dimensions and the reinforcements in the project design. Once they are isolated, the design fallacies can then be worked upon, and corrected to develop a design that performs under anticipated conditions. In other words, the purpose of structural analysis is to keep the axial, torsional, shear, bending and any other internal forces of a project within permissible limits.
Scope of Structural Analysis
The structural analysis process can be broadly classified into three main categories:
1.     Static analysis: It determines the internal forces and displacements due to
time-independent loading conditions such as creep and shrinkages. 
2.     Stability analysis:It deals with project that are subject to compressed
time-independent forces.
3.     Vibration analysis: It determines the natural frequencies / eigenvalues
and corresponding mode shapes (Eigen functions) of vibration in the member.
Structural analysis of any project is based on the following assumptions:
1. The project material is completely elastic.
2. Superposition principle - any factor caused by different loads that act simultaneously are equal to the algebraic or geometric sum of this factor due to each load separately.
3. The deformation of the project caused by the applied loads do not change the original design diagram.
4. Relationship between stress and strain is linear.
Earlier, structural analysis was a tedious routine that involved solving mathematical equations manually. The introduction of CAE software has made structural analysis relatively simple, though it still takes a highly skilled engineer to properly interpret the results. 


Dynamic analysis :
dynamic  analysis க்கான பட முடிவு
Explore two new dynamic analyses based concept of FEA program profiling:
Frequency Spectrum Analysis. We show how analyzing the frequencies of program entities in a single execution can help programmers to decompose a program, identify related computations, and find computations related to specific input and output characteristics of a program.
First, it is analyzed as a linear element based on the effective stiffness while ignoring the effective damping in static and response spectrum analyses.
Time history analysis: In linear time history analysis, it is analyzed as a linear element based on the effective stiffness, and the effective damping is considered only when the damping selection is set as “Group Damping”. In nonlinear time history analysis, the effective stiffness acts as virtual linear stiffness, the stiffness matrix does not become renewed even if it has nonlinear properties.
Coverage Concept Analysis. Concept analysis of test coverage data computes dynamic analogs to static control flow relationships such as domination, post domination, and regions. Comparison of these dynamically computed relationships to their static counterparts can point to areas of code requiring more testing and can aid programmers in understanding how a program and its test sets relate to one another.
Strain energy concept:
In order to reflect different damping properties for different elements in response spectrum and modal superposition analyses, damping ratios need to be assigned in the Specified Element and Boundaries within the Group Damping menu. Modal damping ratios based on the strain energy concept are then calculated based on the results of an eigenvalue analysis.



One of the most common discussed problems concerning bridges built without expansion joints is the accommodation of longitudinal elongation and contraction due to temperature variations.
Integral bridges can be defined as bridges without joints. They span from one abutment, over intermediate supports to the other abutment without any movement joint in the deck.
Integral abutment bridges are becoming very popular due to its good response under seismic loading, low initial costs, elimination of bearings, and less maintenance. However the main issue related to the analysis of this type of structures is dealing with soil-structure interaction of the abutment walls and the supporting piles. The interaction between the structure and the adjacent soil media is essential in analysis, and gives a better prediction of the structural behaviour compared to the analysis of the structure alone.
Integral abutments are continuous bridges, where the deck is rigidly connected to the abutments and approach slabs. This rigid connection allows integral bridges to act as a single unit in resisting thermal and brake loads. The need for joint less bridges evolved from the desire to eliminate the use of expansion joints and bearings.
One of the most common discussed problems concerning bridges built without expansion joints is the accommodation of longitudinal elongation and contraction due to temperature variations.


Overview and Inspiration
Analysis is the spirit of being an engineer; it is what differentiates an engineer from a technician.  
Engineering analysis helps us make decisions and guide the design process. A development without analysis is like a team playing without a coach, a ship without a captain, or a class without a teacher.
So what is engineering analysis, exactly?
 Basically, it is the breaking down of problem, into its fundamental parts to understand their relationships to each other and to outside elements.
For example, let's say you are a part of a team of engineers working to reduce the number of accidents in a bridge that occur during rush-hour traffic. You might start by generating a set of alternative design to this issue: Let's say your team determines the best alternative is the expansion of roads and highways. Now another design analysis is needed: 
·        How many lanes do we need?
·        How much money will it cost to maintain these new roads?
·        Will many trees need to be cut down?
·        If so, will this displace birds and other wildlife?
Do you see how the engineering analysis includes much more than the object or system being designed? Even in the case of building a new road, engineers must analyze the influences of the new road on the city budget and the surrounding environment and impacted wildlife.
Our history has many examples of engineering projects:
 One "success story" in engineering is the development of modern aircraft. Their designs were based more on bird flight than on fundamental engineering concepts. The designers of these flying machines often tested them by jumping off great heights, better approach to engineering analysis for air-planes and see how the models respond to elements and forces such as weather patterns and wind shear.
Now, can anyone think of an engineering "failure?" It's hard to call an unsuccessful engineering project entirely a "failure" because we usually learn the most from failed attempts. In any case, let's take a look at some "famous failures" in engineering and see how the role of analysis played a part in the project.
Best Regards,